This past weekend, along with General Conference, John and I celebrated his birthday. I was a little worried about it because last year we lived in Los Angeles and went whale watching. "How am I gonna top that?" I wondered. It turned out to be a great celebration with just the two of us. Friday we went to Bombay House and enjoyed our favorite curry; lamb for John, chicken for me. Then we laughed at a silly movie, Hot Tub Time Machine.
Saturday we ate pizza and watched one of my favorite movies and Johns too, The Sum of all Fears. I had baked John's favorite cake, german chocolate; which actually was really good this year. The first year I made birthday cake for him, I didn't understand it was a special formula. So I just bought a chocolate cake mix and put the German chocolate frosting on that. I don't think I'll ever live that one down, but I'm okay with that.
John enjoyed his gifts. A new dress shirt from Mom and Dad, a book entitled Digital Soul, which talks about AI (artificial intelligence) and machines. A years subscription to Maximum PC, and a collectors addition copy of Rolling Stone magazine which rates the 100 best Beatles songs. Before John and I went out for his birthday. I made him a play list of the top 20 songs and told him it was a clue. It drove him crazy, and he loved it.
At the end of the weekend, the almost impossible had come true. John declared that this was his "best birthday ever."
Thank you to everyone who called, texted and facebooked John to wish him a happy birthday. He felt truly loved by your thoughtfulness.