Monday, December 13, 2010

Good Day

Today was a day of cleaning in preparation to christmasify our house. I cleaned the kitchen from top to bottom including the fridge. I can't tell you how many times I did dishes today. Well, maybe I can it was 4. I never do dishes that much. I also swept and mopped the floor.

I was going to move onto the bathroom but then John came home and he wanted the carpets cleaned before we got our Christmas tree. He borrowed his friends, Zach's carpet cleaner and we figured out how to work it. Then I cleaned the carpets. They look a lot better. I was able to get most of the oil stains out. Once Christmas is over we will have to clean the floor again.

In addition to all this cleaning, I threw a chicken in the crockpot with potatoes and carrots. Six hours later we were eating a wonderful dinner. Today I felt like a good wife.

After dinner we headed over to Barnes and Nobel to once again look at the Nook e-reader (it is on my Christmas list) and once again decide that there is something missing. John and I decided that an ipad would be better. It is more user friendly, I can get books from other sources than just the company I purchased the e-reader from and it already has color. one con is that it is back lit, but they have different colors that make it easier on the eyes and a night time and daytime feature. In the world of e-readers this is just the beginning. you wouldn't want to buy a first generation car, so why would you want to buy a first generation e-reader?

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